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For general questions, please read our FAQs first before contacting us (most questions are answered in our FAQs). If you still have questions or need to get in touch with us, email us at or complete the form below. While you can call us at ‪(720) 509-9425 and reach our voicemail, we will be able to respond more quickly if you contact us via email.

CUSTOM PERFUMES: If you are interested in having Wit & West create a custom perfume for you there are two options; Bespoke Experience or Private Label. Please visit those pages to learn more and determine which one is the best fit for you. PLEASE NOTE: At Wit & West Perfumes our focus is on perfumery as an olfactive artform. As such, we only offer services for new/original creations and do not offer services focused on recreations of existing or discontinued fragrances (sometimes called "dupes"). For additional details, please read our FAQs.

INFLUENCERS: If you are an influencer or content creator, while we greatly appreciate the interest and enthusiasm to collaborate, in general, we are unable to accept requests to do collaborations or "gifted collabs" with influencers (e.g., sending free product in exchange for a review and/or content creation on social media platforms). For additional details about this as well as information on how to obtain a discount if you are interested in trying out our products, please read our FAQs.

IMPORTANT: Upon completion of the contact form please make sure you scroll to the top of the page and complete the CAPTCHA form (otherwise we will not receive your message).