ÇaFleureBon: Wit & West Brumaire Woods Review

ÇaFleureBon: Wit & West Brumaire Woods Review

Excerpt from ÇaFleureBon

Time here is moss-grown and damp. Abundant waterfalls create wide moving waves of mist. Fog sits on its silent haunches while treetops of bigleaf maples, Douglas fir, and western hemlock commune in vaporous gestures...Such a matchless expression of place can be found in Wit & West Brumaire WoodsPerfumer Whitney Swales uses all natural and whole botanical materials to create a fragrance intimately connected to memory, history and sensory experience. Brumaire Woods invokes a calm and peaceful sense of rootedness and home.

Read the article on ÇaFleureBon here

ÇaFleureBon: Wit & West Brumaire Woods Review by Rachel Ng